Tenders & RFP
S.No. Title Start Date - Closing Date Attachment File
191 Response to the Pre-Bid queries for RFP -Selection of consultant for setting up of National Programme Management Unit (NPMU) under PRASHAD Scheme. 16-12-2021 - 30-12-2021 15122021PRASHAD Pre-Bid Response.pdf
192 Minutes of the pre-bid meeting for - RFP selection of consultant for setting up of National Programme Management Unit (NPMU) under PRASHAD Scheme. 16-12-2021 - 30-12-2021 06122021 MoMs of Pre-bid meeting.pdf
193 Request for proposal for selection of consultant for setting up of National Programme Management Unit (NPMU) under PRASHAD Scheme. 23-11-2021 - 30-12-2021 finalRfPPRASHAD.pdf
194 Quotation to develop an e-book titled “Go Beyond”. 12-12-2021 - 23-12-2021 Quotation call Go Beyond.pdf
195 Tender for disposal of old and condemned vehicles. 30-11-2021 - 17-12-2021 Disposal of old and condemned vehicle regarding.pdf
196 Tender for setting of an integrated system for providing information to tourist through TIL/helpline,tourist information centre at selected 09 Airports, interacting with tourist with Chat Bots linked to www.incredibleinda.org. 10-11-2021 - 03-12-2021 Tender Document dt 10112021.pdf
197 Tender discharge for RFP -Setting of an integrated system for providing information to tourist through TIL/helpline,tourist information centre at selected 09 Airports, interacting with tourist with Chat Bots linked to www.incredibleinda.org 08-11-2021 - 19-11-2021 Tender Discharge Notice.pdf
198 Response to the Pre-Bid queries for RFP -Setting of an integrated system for providing information to tourist through TIL/helpline,tourist information centre at selected 09 Airports, interacting with tourist with Chat Bots linked to www.incredibleinda.org 30-09-2021 - 11-10-2021 PreeBiqQuery29092021.pdf
199 RFP for setting of an integrated system for providing information to tourist through Tourist Info Line (TIL) / helpline, tourist information centre at selected 09 Airports, interacting with tourist with Chat Bots linked to www.incredibleindia.org. 14-09-2021 - 11-10-2021 tendernotice.pdf
200 Invitation of applications for empanelment of persons/companies for translation work. 29-09-2021 - 08-10-2021 निविदा-2021.pdf