Tenders & RFP
S.No. Title Start Date - Closing Date Attachment File
31 RFP for Selection of High-Level Strategy Consultant for Developing Comprehensive Strategies for 3 Trillion USD Indian Tourism Economy by 2047. 20-02-2024 - 10-04-2024 Final RFP Strategy Consultant V1+V2 dt 20.02.2024.pdf
32 Corrigendum reg extension of date for RFP for selection of production agency for Incredible India Digital Platform. 28-02-2024 - 20-03-2024 BIDSUBMISSIONDATEEXTENSION28FEB24.pdf
33 Corrigendum reg extension of date -- RFP for Selection of Production Agency for Photography and Videography services for Incredible India Digital Platform. 09-02-2024 - 20-03-2024 EXTENSIONCORRIGENDUM09FEB2024.pdf
34 Corrigendum reg extension of PRE BID MEETING -- RFP for Selection of Production Agency for Photography and Videography services for Incredible India Digital Platform. 19-01-2024 - 20-03-2024 PREBIDCORRIGENDUMJANUARY.pdf
35 Corrigendum reg extension of date of pre bid meeting -- RFP for Selection of Production Agency for Photography and Videography services for Incredible India Digital Platform. 08-01-2024 - 20-03-2024 CORRIGENDUMPREBIDEXTENSION.pdf
36 RFP for Selection of Production Agency for Photography and Videography services for Incredible India Digital Platform. 23-12-2023 - 20-03-2024 RFPPRODUCTION.pdf
37 RFP for Selection of Project Development and Management Consultants under Swadesh Darshan 2.0 Scheme, Phase Vl for 3 states/UT's of chhattisgarh, lammu and Kashmir, Manipur. 20-02-2024 - 07-03-2024 RFP Phase VI for Selection of PDMC under SD 2.0.pdf
38 Corrigendum reg extension of date -- RFP for Selection of Production Agency for Photography and Videography services for Incredible India Digital Platform. 18-01-2024 - 12-02-2024 PRODUCTIONRFPCORRIGENDUM18JAN2024.pdf
39 Corrigendum in respect of Tender Document of Design & Construction of India Pavilion at MITT, Moscow on 19th-21st March 2024. 30-01-2024 - 09-02-2024 Corrigendum 2.pdf
40 Corrigendum -- Tender Document of Design & Construction of India Pavilion at MITT, Moscow on 19th-21st March 2024 23-01-2024 - 09-02-2024 Corrigendum_MITT.pdf