Sr.No. Title Date Attachment File
61 Submission of Annual Immovable Property Return by Group C officials also, for the year ending 2016 (as on 01-01-2017) aunal return group C.pdf
62 Submission of Annual Immovable Property Return for the year ending 2016 AIPR0001.pdf
63 Swachhata related Pakhwada (16th Sep. - 30th Sep., 2016) for Ministry of Tourism AB letter_0.pdf
64 The Lokpal and Lokayauktas Act, 2013- Submission of declaration of the assets and liabilities by the public servants. lokpal0001.pdf
65 Assets declaration under Lokpal and Lokayauktas Act 081220151018454.pdf
66 Guidelines for Indian Adventure Tourism Standards 2017. Comments if any, may be sent to niche-tour[at]gov[dot]in before 10th October 2017 Indian Adventure Tourism Guidelines Oct 2.pdf